
Welcome to my digital space! I’m Simon Sure, a tech enthusiast with a relentless drive for innovation, learning, and making a tangible impact. Immersed in the world of Computer Science at ETH Zurich, I’m not just a student; I’m a fervent explorer at the intersection of technology and real-world challenges. With an unyielding work ethic and drive, I’m always seeking new experiences and challenges to help me grow, both personally and professionally.

My path is marked by exciting projects, top internships, and meaningful personal initiatives. I’ve tackled real-world problems in robotics, AI-powered education, and environmental monitoring. Curious? Check out some of my projects. Right now, I am adding software experience at cutting-edge giants like NVIDIA and Optiver to my ever-growing skillset. I’ve delved deep into the realms of software engineering and systems programming. Each experience has been a building block, reinforcing my technical skills and fueling my passion for problem-solving.

Behind the technical side, I’m a team player and an effective communicator ready to take on anything I set my mind to. My ethos is defined by an unwavering enthusiasm, an insatiable curiosity, and a steadfast dedication to excellence. Whether it’s through teaching, developing AI-powered exam preparation tools with FLIZAR, or engaging with the community through hackathons and collaborative projects, I thrive on pushing boundaries and exploring new horizons.

When I’m not exploring the digital realm, you’ll find me on my runs, diving into my latest book, or tinkering with the newest tech

As I continue to navigate this exciting journey, I invite you to join me in exploring the possibilities that technology holds for transforming our world. Let’s connect, collaborate, and create the future together.